Friday, February 8, 2013


Yeah, so this is my super awesome blog and I'm not quite sure what to put in it other than my basic book info. I'll try to inject some humor into it to make it less dull but sometimes it might just make it awkward, but oh well thats just how I am.

Okay, so my first book I will be reading is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I managed to get an annotated version that also has Through the Looking Glass in it. Well, first I'd just like to talk about Lewis Carroll. I've decided he was basically a pedophile even though many sources say there was no evidence of sexual interaction between Carroll and his "child-friends". Why I believe this is because in the introduction of the book I'm reading it says this, directly, word for word, "Carrol's principal hobby-the hobby that aroused his greatest joys- was entertaining little girls. 'I am fond of children (except boys),' he once wrote. He professed a horror of little boys, and in later life avoided them as much as possible. ... He thought the naked bodies of little girls (unlike the bodies of boys) extremely beautiful. Upon occasion he sketched or photographed them in the nude, with the mother's permission, of course."

I find that passage extremely disturbing. What kind of mother would allow their young daughter to be sketched or photographed in the nude, obviously not a very good one. I hope you understand now as to why I find Lewis Carrol such a creepy man. Knowing this adds a much more disturbing undertone to reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

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